Primopdf compress pdf
Primopdf compress pdf

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A difference of a few hundred Kilobytes makes no big difference if the documents are stored on a desktop PC, they can however have an impact if the pdf documents are stored and accessed on mobile devices like ebook readers or smartphones with limited space and processing capabilities. This test concentrates on file size, and there may be other factors playing a role for users, pdf quality a top one. All tests have been conducted with the default settings.

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Some pdf printers may come with options to reduce the file size of the resulting pdf documents, for instance by compressing images. The three other printers are again close to each other, with DoPDF a little bit better than the other two. It is rather surprising that the pdf printer with the largest file size managed to create the lowest file size converting the web page. While Bullzip PDF Printer, DoPDF 7 and PDF Creator remain between 317 and 350 Kilobytes, Primo PDF breaks out resulting in a file size increase of 150 to 200 Kilobytes.

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Especially the Word document differences are noteworthy. The differences are not nearly as wide in range as Roman's findings, but they may still be considerable.

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